The Best Bot ever!



Prefix : !

=Bot Developers=

!reboot  (reboot the bot)
!files (see all bot files)
!fs  (check how big a file is)
!formatedit (edits help format)
!sudo (sudo a command)
!avatar (change the bot avatar)
=Server Admin=

!bump (bump your server)
!clean (clean 1-10 messages)
!plugins (see plugins help)
!users (see all server users)


!help (shows help message)
!play (play music)
!stop (stop the player)
!skip (skip a song in queue)
!ping (show USB usage)
!mping (shows music ping)
!np (shows the song now playing)
!summon (summon this bot into a voice channel)
!disconnect (disconnect bot from a channel)
!poll (start a poll)
!id (get someones user id)
!fun (fun commands)
!ver (see the bots version)
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